“Strength is a matter of activity and production.
Weakness is a matter of passivity and consumption.
Weakness is always easier, and that’s why there’s so much of it.”
– P.D. Mangan
| Producer | Bibliophile | Mountain Tourist | Skeptic | Stalwart |
Vikram Jeet Singh Parmar is based near foothills of Indian Himalaya in a small town. He loves being in nature and is a frequent visitor to hills near his home.
Since childhood, he aspired to climb high mountains but life happened and like most, he forgot all about it. He has donned various hats over the years as a professional; account manager, project manager, business consultant, production manager, production supervisor, producer. He has worked on several prominent projects for corporate such as Facebook(META), Slack, Google, Amazon, Netflix, Instagram, WhatsApp, Indian Express, SBI bank, government of India etc. He also produces creative commercials and documentary films projects at – RR Films.
In May 2015, he was in a near fatal accident. He was on bed for the next three months. He had to learn to walk again and as of April 2021, he has successfully reached summits of many peaks in the Indian Himalayas, including that of three 6000 meter peaks under the guidance of his mentor Kuntal Joisher.

“Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.”
With will you can achieve any goals you set for yourself. Try to think about them positively, there will be those unforeseen events that put you down but there will also be some other unforeseen events that will help you on your way. Don’t let the doubt creep in. Whatever you can see yourself doing, you can and will do it.
One Life. One Planet. One religion: Humanity.
Vikram Jeet Singh Parmar believes in humanity above all and a world without boundaries. He has never asked anybody their religion in life. For him, if you are a kind human that is all that matters. Without love, there can be no peace.

The dream of seven Summits
To climb all seven highest mountains on seven continents of the world.
A Project that few in the world can even dare to dream. A task that will take years of patience, training, hard work and lots of money. A dream that he knows he will achieve through mental toughness and preparation.